CPCS Initiative Vision

The Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS )Initiative believes that priority actions—for urgently and drastically cutting Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions—would be more constructive if they were focused on small cities, towns, and villages, which--

1) are more sustainable-friendly in the long run
2) have less complex vulnerabilities
3) create more emphasis on downsizing and focusing on what basic necessities are most needed
4) where it is easier to see the results of our actions
5) where a truly natural circular economy (sewage treatment; food miles; less packaging; zero waste; etc.) is much easier to implement,
and more likely to actually happen.

Key Indicator: the small size of habitats caps energy consumption and toxicity
at levels much more near the #ZeroFootprints we need

“It should be possible to design land use systems which approach the solar energy harvesting capacities of natural systems while providing humanity with its needs. This was the original premise of the permaculture concept.” 

“Forestry and agriculture are the primary (and potentially self-supporting) systems of solar energy harvesting available. Technological development will not change this basic fact.”

[from article “Energy and Permaculture” (highly recommended!) by David Holmgren at www.resilience.org (originally published by The Permaculture Activist April 29, 1994) (both quotes above from section “Agriculture and Forestry”)]


The CPCS Initiative also believes that it is possible for local communities and regions to include parts or all of the “constellation of initiatives” approach advocated by the CPCS Initiative into their local specific action plans, and for all continents, countries, regions, and local communities to achieve Zero Carbon in ten years.