231 Positive Tipping Point Organizations and Institutions

There are many wide-ranging considerations--which many trustworthy and reliable organizations and institutions in many fields of activity can illuminate--that need to be carefully thought through to make a successful cultural transformation to Zero Carbon Economies ASAP.

So… compiling 5-10 page overviews from such key organizations and institutions--and making such overviews accessible in a clearinghouse website--should surely be done when we are in a Planetary Scale Emergency.

Acknowledging that the following list is simply one example, the 231 organizations and institutions (below) should be sufficient to highlight how valuable having a clearinghouse website of 5-10 page overviews on how to achieve Zero Carbon from thousands of positive tipping point organizations and institutions would be.

And when (if) the CPCS Initiative Constellations of Initiatives” Approach  to maximizing participation and accelerating solution-oriented activity webpage does move forward, this list from “Sample List of 231 Positive Tipping Point Organizations and Institutions”, and the list of 631 positive tipping point organizations and institutions in Appendix 10 of “Brainstorming Zero Carbon ASAP Campaign” (157 pages; June, 2019) can provide starting points for the list which the steering committee of that project will create.

Alleviating Water Issues; Alleviating Hunger; Alleviating Poverty 

CARE (care.org)


The Hunger Project      


FINCA International      


D-Lab (at Massachusetts Institute for Technology—MIT)             

Climate Finance; Green Finance  


ClimateWorks Foundation      

Climate Action 100+      

Green Bank Network      

Climate Justice Resilience Fund      


Climate Mitigation/Sustainability--Business/Commerce Related  

 CDP Global

World Business Council for Sustainable Development  (WBCSD)

We Mean Business    


Climate Mitigation--Research, Education, Analysis  

 Carbon Brief

Climate Home News


Climate Mitigation--Research; Education; Action

 Climate Reality      


Extinction Rebellion  

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  (IPCC)



C40 Cities      

International Renewable Energy Agency  (IRENA)

DiCaprio Foundation      

Union of Concerned Scientists      

International Institute for Environment and Development  (IIED) 

Global Call for Climate Action  (GCCA)

MIT ClimateCoLab      

Local Governments for Sustainability  (ICLEI)


Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

Transition Network      

Worldwatch Institute      

Climate Action Network-International  (CAN)    

Project Drawdown

Centre for Alternative Technology      


Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research  (CICERO)

Energy Storage Association      

Climate Mobilization      

Divest Invest      







Elder Care

 American Association of Retired Persons  (AARP)


Emergency Humanitarian Response

 International Committee of the Red Cross  (ICRC)

Center for Disease Control  (CDC)      

International Rescue Committee  (IRC)      

Refugees International

Mercy Corps      

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies  (IFRC)

Médecins Sans Frontières   (MSF International)  (Doctors Without Borders)

Catholic Relief Services    

Islamic Relief      

Save the Children


Environment; Sustainability; Protecting Biodiversity

 World Wildlife Fund      


The Nature Conservancy 

Natural Resources Defense Council

Planet Green      

Rainforest Alliance      

Environmental Defense Fund

World Resources Institute

Conservation International

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Circular Ecology      

World Agroforestry  (ICRAF)

Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Fairtrade International

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Friends of the Earth

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services  (IPBES)

Zero Waste Scotland      



Circular Economy      

Footprint Network

Green America      

ACT Alliance      

Right Livelihood Award

Northeast Organic Farming Association  (Northeast USA)


Green Party

 Bundnis90/Die Grunen  (Germany)

The Green Party (UK) 

Health Care  

 World Health Organization  (WHO)      

American Medical Association  (AMA)

The Lancet      

World Medical Association  (WMA)      

Doctors for Climate      


Housing/Shelter Assistance

 Habitat for Humanity

World Habitat      


Human Rights

 Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International


Indigenous People; Native People; First Nations

 Amazon Watch

Survival International      

Cultural Survival   

Impact Investing; Socially Responsible Investing

 Global Impact Investing Network  (GIIN)

Calvert Impact Capital      


Wharton Social Impact


International Financial Institutions

 World Bank      

International Monetary Fund

European Investment Bank      


Journalism, News Sources


Mother Jones      

Guardian Environment      



Yale Environment 360      

European Federation of Journalists  (EFJ)

Global Editors Network  (GEN)


Land Rights 


Forest Peoples Programme      

Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies  (PLAAS)

Rights and Resources Initiative


Local Economies; Local Currency

 Local Harvest

Edible Schoolyard

Bristol Pound

Local First

Grassroots International      

Homesteader Supply      

Clean Coalition

Schumacher Center for a New Economics

Lehmans  (non-electric)      

US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA)

Community Micro Lending      

TimeBanks USA      

BerkShares, Inc



 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Search for Common Ground      

Peace Direct      

International Alert

Alliance for Peacebuilding

Conciliation Resources      


Sister Cities International      

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies (University of Notre Dame)

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (Eastern Mennonite University)    



 The Chronicle of Philanthropy      

Council on Foundations      

Global Philanthropy Group

Global Greengrants      

Small Grants Programme (GEF)

Environmental Grantmakers Association      


Publishers, Sustainability

 Chelsea Green      

New Society Publishers      

Green Books     


Questionnaires and Surveys

 Pew Research Global      


RTI International


Religious; Spiritual; Interfaith

 Catholic News Service      

World Council of Churches (WCC)      

Interfaith Youth Core      

Parliament of the World's Religions (POWR)

Religions for Peace

United Religions Initiative


Stakeholder Engagement  


United States Public Interest Research Group  (PIRG)


Stakeholder Forum      


Delaney and Associates  

Engagement Hub    


Sustainable Communities; Ecovillages; Permaculture

 Permaculture Magazine     

Clean Cooking Alliance

Lighting Africa             

Energy Storage North America     

Permaculture Research Institute  (PRI--Australia)

National Community Land Trust Network  (UK)

Mini-Grids Partnership      

Gaia Education      

Global Ecovillage Network      

Lowimpact.org (LILI)

Solar Cookers International     

Village Earth      

European Network for Community-led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability  (Ecolise)



Sustainable Food Systems

 Food Tank      

Food Democracy Now!

Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research  (CGIAR)

International Food Policy Research Institute  (IFPRI)

Slow Food      

Food First      

Eating Locally      

La Via Campesina

Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition

Food Chain Workers Alliance      

Food Climate Research Network      

Landworkers' Alliance

World Farmers’ Organisation

International Food Security Network  (IFSN)

Food Solutions New England

Asia GROW Campaign (Oxfam)


United Nations Organizations

 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  (UNHCR)

World Food Programme

UN Environment Programme

UN Foundation 

UN Institute for Training & Research (UNITAR)

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)


Universities, Colleges; Education

(Note:  many of these listings are located in the United States, due to what sources this writer is familiar with)


Chronicle of Higher Education      

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development  (ASCD)      

National Education Association  (NEA)

American Council on Education  (ACE)      

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)

Institute of International Education (IIE)  

Ashoka U

Teachers without Borders      

Association of American Universities  (AAU)   

Center for Green Schools

American Association of State Colleges and Universities  (AASCU)

National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities  (NAICU)                                                                             

Green Schools Alliance

Barefoot College      

Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)

College Media Association      

Second Nature      

Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU)

Campus Compact

Gaia University      


Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities  (ACCU)

Global Education Innovation Initiative (Harvard University)

Talloires Network

Intentional Endowments Network  

Women’s Organizations

 Global Fund for Women      

Women’s Funding Network

International Women's Media Foundation  (IWMF)

World Pulse      

Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network  (WECAN)

Women's Earth Alliance (WEA)