CPCS at Twitter
The CPCS Initiative has a presence at Twitter (X) through the account of Stefan Pasti (@StefanPasti), the Founder and Resource Coordinator for The Community Peacebuilding and Cultural Sustainability (CPCS) Initiative.
Note: I also, recently, created an account at Blue Sky (Following 242; Followers 37) (see @stefanpasti.bsky.social)
On Twitter (X) since 2011. As of November 24, 2024: Posts 18.7K; Following 5,123; Followers (around 900, others are bots); Lists (created 17; subscribed to 73); 13.7K likes.
I have especially appreciated Twitter as a way to be in contact with much very helpful research—a brief glimpse through my “likes” (see my Twitter profile at @StefanPasti) will provide evidence of that.
And--through the research I have done to find good outreach recipients for my outreach tweets--I have learned of so much good work being done around the world [see list of 616 positive tipping point organizations and institutions (with Twitter profiles) in Appendix 10 of “Brainstorming Zero Carbon ASAP Campaign”; or “Sample List of 231 positive tipping point organizations and institutions”].
Update: November 24, 2024
My pinned tweet at Twitter (X) is ”Right Livelihood During The Climate Emergency Era” (5 pages; September 16, 2024)
My most recent posts and reply tweets, at both Twitter (X) and Blue Sky--
To achieve higher levels of Honesty, Responsibility,
we need smaller habitats, less complex cultures.
Building these thru #LocalEd
w/ #ReDesignHigherEd Solution Hubs
=acceler opportunit for #RightLivelihood
Organized efforts=#JustTransition
Many hands=light work
Time for pro-solution majority in world
to create their own #lowimpact #sharing economies
w/ minimal material-intensive infrastructure
Supply lines which only support
#PermacultureResilientEcosystems #PeacefulSanctuaries
will deflate/diminish destructive markets
+below #COP29